

Relationship Tip Series Starts Aug 3, 2014 @ 11 AM

Relationship Tip: You are not married until, you are married part 2With marriage come certain rights, privileges, blessings and benefits.I think these entitlements are sacred and should not be enjoyed before their time. I might just be being a little old fashion here, but I just don’t think you should[…]

Becoming A Promise Keeper – D Mills

How many people have become a wounded warrior due to me  not keeping a promise or an oath? How many promises have I made and left unfulfilled? What were the consequences of my actions or lack thereof? These are the questions that I pondered in my head as we continued[…]

CMBC Dance Ministry

Please find the wonderful performance from our young people from Easter Sunday service on the YouTube link for your enjoyment!

“Fighting to stay focused on Christ” DMills Perspective

“Fighting to stay focused on Christ” As we continued our series on the fifth chapter of Matthew I further analyzed why in today’s society we can fall short in receiving this word. In this chapter, Christ is giving encouragement to his disciples concerning the trials and tribulations they will face[…]

40 Days of Lent – Please Join Me

What’s good people of God! I will be celebrating 40 Days of Lent – It begins on Wednesday, March 5th. It will be a season of sacrifice and cleansing. I will be doing a “Daniel” Like Fast. For more information go to http://daniel-fast.com/about.html. Here’s the menu. Only veggies, fruit, water[…]


Vision for the CMBC The following scriptures inform the vision and mission of the Concord MB Church “Jesus came and said to them, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the[…]


The Mission of the Concord Missionary Baptist Church is to Love God, Self and Community. Matt 22:37 Our Ministry Vision or Goal is Holistic Ministry CMBC Goal “The Goal of the Concord Missionary Baptist Church, is Holistic Ministry. Every Ministry and organization for the CMBC is design in some fashion[…]


Rev. Dr. Kenneth D. Phelps, M Div., D.MIN. Entrepreneur, Community Leader, Pastor, Teacher, Author and Playwright Throughout our lives we are often compared to many things. Our sincere desire is that these representations are vividly illustrated with positive images that flatter our actions, desires, and achievements. Godly men and women[…]


Concord Missionary Baptist Church History In the Spring of 1959, a group of concerned Christians held several meetings to explore the idea of organizing a Missionary Baptist Church. After much prayer, counsel and consideration, the Concord Missionary Baptist Church was formally organized on May 18, 1959, at the New Testament[…]