Vision for the CMBC

The following scriptures inform the vision and mission of the Concord MB Church
“Jesus came and said to them, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been
given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in
the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all
that I have commanded you, and lo, I am with you always, to the close of the
age.” Matt 28:19

The vision of the Concord MB church is to Build the Body of Christ.
We will achieve this by developing a Wholistic Ministry which ministers to the
total person (Mind, body and Soul).

We believe that the God word and agenda, shapes the vision. The needs of the
people, shapes the ministry.

Our business is building people for the Glory of God, not building.
This involves…

Making Disciples
To Expand the Kingdom
Ministering to the mind, body and the soul!

Evaluation of the vision….

We will know that we have reached the vision, when everything that we
(collectively and individually) produce,
Reflects Christ – In Speech, Actions and Interactions
Are we responding and conducting ourselves in a Christ like manner.
Are we making a positive contribution to our church, community and world, for
the Glory of God?
Is their a spirit of excellence in all that we do?
Are we consistently, being respectable, dependable, accountable and

All of programming, Bible Study, Rehearsing, Activities and outreach ministry
should be prayerfully, planned and considered and executed with the above
vision and vision evaluation in mind.

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